Explore our FAQs to find answers to common queries about finding your perfect one-on-one home tutor with the Ministry Of Tuition. Discover affordable rates without compromising on quality education.

How do I request for a tutor?
Can I indicate any tutor preference?
How does the Ministry of Tuition recommend tutors for me?
What happens if I do not like the tutor recommended to me?
After receiving the tutor recommendation, what should I do?
What are the types of tutors available?
Can I trust the tutors recommended by the Ministry of Tuition?
Do you provide trial lessons?
Do I have to pay any commission fees/ hidden fees?
How do I make payment for the confirmed tuition lessons?
Where are lessons conducted?
How are lessons conducted?
Can I postpone lessons dates & timings?
Can I terminate lessons if the tutor is not suitable?
Can tutors postpone lessons?
Can my tutor terminate the lessons without my permission?
Can I add additional subjects and/or students (e.g siblings)?

Ready to request a tutor?